Innocent Therapy Motivational Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT) in Croydon
Online and telephone sessions available

Fees/Book An Appointment. Incense

How I Work with my Clients

To accommodate clients busy lifestyles and my goal is to make talking therapy accessible to everyone, I work virtually using ZOOM, TEAMs and Telephone.

Therapy Fees

Individual Therapy:
Initial Free Consultation - FREE (15 minutes)
Therapy Sessions - £80 (60 minutes)

Sessions are available Monday to Saturday, flexible session times available.
All calls and Initial Consultations are in the strictest confidence.

Payment for your therapy session is required at the end of each session and can be made by BACs transfer or card.

24 hours notice is required if you need to cancel an appointment. Cancellations without appropriate notice that being less than 24 hours will be charged at half the cost of the session.

Advanced Zyto Scan Fee

The Advanced Zyto Scan will scan the stressors and balancers of the physiological, TCM, emotions, teeth, vertebra, endocrine system and many more. It will also scan for secondary stressors like the VI (virtual items) of moulds, bacterias, foods and the ‘balancers’ that will help to bring back balance.
The full report from this scan will be able to give guidance for your wellbeing needs:

Consultation , remote and face to face Wellness Scan- £60 (60 minutes)
Remote scans are only available once the Zyto Hand Cradle is purchased. The cradle is only comparable on a windows computer.
Click here for more information on this Wellness Scan.

By the end of your session, you will have gained information and guidance to improve your overall health immediately.
You will be sent a copy of your report to your email of preference to refer to and take action based on the recommendation's provided.
Make an appointment today.

Fees/Book An Appointment. Candle


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